Rabbit hutch renovation with weather-resistant concrete plywood, by Niels

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Do you also have rabbits whose hutch needs replacing? Buying a new hutch is not the solution if you're looking to save money. That's why Niels decided to take matters into his own hands and renovate his rabbit hutch. Thanks to the custom-cut and delivered birch plywood panels from us, he was able to get started quickly. Read here how he did it!

Description by Niels

I've had rabbits for many years. Over time, the old hutch aged, prompting me to decide to renovate the rabbit hutch. After searching online for boards, I quickly came across TOSIZE.be.

How I made this project

Based on the dimensions of the old rabbit hutch, I had them custom-cut by TOSIZE.be. After the panels were delivered, I immediately began the renovation.

  1. First, I removed the old roofs of the rabbit house, which thankfully was very easy.
  2. Then, I glued the plywood panels together with strong wood glue.
  3. Next, I mounted the roofs on the rabbit hutch using screws.

Now, my rabbits have a safe hutch to live in again!

Tip! Also check out our handy DIY tips!

How next?

Want to make this DIY project? Check out Niels's saw list and complete your order easily.

50,00 €

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